Whizzyfinger Twitter Updates for 2012-04-24

  • Happy St George's Day, If you see Dragons, you know what to do… #
  • RT @adamclarke501: Happy St. George's Day. Why isn't it a bank holiday?. << Yes. bloody hell why not ? #
  • As it's the Spectrums's birthday, did anybody else play 'Pi-mania' and actually get anywhere near solving it ?.. @mattthetax #
  • I am a 47 year old IT Project Manager, happily exchanging Tweets about Horace Goes Skiing & other Spectrum games. #Wishitwasstill1983 #
  • It's just come up on my Facebook Recomended pages. "Rubery -902 people like this". …that 904 more than the Bilston page has. #
  • England team to face France. Shilton,Sansom,Butcher,Charlton,Pearce,Hoddle,Robson,Gaiscogne,Barnes,Lineker,Shearer. @talkSPORT #EngXI #

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