Whizzyfinger Twitter Updates for 2010-07-09

  • Happy Friday folks…..Do drink plenty of water. #tipoftheday #
  • Sky+ for IT Crowd tonight me thinks…Damn those @8BitNinjas and their Friday night gigs. #
  • #ff @al67 @ianmaullin @mattthetax @chrisAxe @Crazygibbon @Luxotican @8bitninjas @BostinBloke @Haggis01 @Imbirdgirl #
  • and #ff @gabehabe @happinesstabs @NeilH73 All worthwhile folk that you should follow. #doitnow #
  • I am far too hot in this office. #melting #
  • Right, work done. Dash home for shower & change and back for the 8-bit Ninjas at the Wharf around 8pm/10pm/8.30pm/9pm* Delete as applicable. #
  • Any twitter folk at the Wharf tonight…I'm the one acting like Mick Rock…. #
  • Sound quality poor, stage lighting pretty crap. Toilets shitty. Overall, tis a poor venue is the Wharf Bar. #unimpressed #

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