Whizzyfinger Twitter Updates for 2010-05-18

  • Greetings peeps….Today is a cracking day..Sun is out, and so am I.. ……Well this morning anyway. #
  • I point you to my tweet of 12th May http://bit.ly/cJqVzm: RT @crazygibbon: Umm… One of my DNS Zones just emptied itself… #
  • Whoop ! :-) RT @crazygibbon: Now starting the EP mix of Occam's Disco Razor =] #
  • What a wise choice…. RT @ianmaullin: There is a breed of chicken called the Gingernut Rangers! I'm so having these! #
  • Credit card bill =10p..I paid it off but they still want interest…I shall pay at counter in 10 x 1p pieces..or write a cheque! #bastards #
  • crikey! …….(exclamations seem to be the order of the day) #

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